Design Unit/Applied Learning
Created by Ali L.
Copyright God's Way Homeschool and Homeschool On a Budget
Bringing together Math, Science, Art, Critical/Creative Thinking, Conflict Resolution, Compromise/Co-operation,
Budgeting and Recycling
Course Objective:
To demonstrate in a "real life" form how we use such things in our everyday lives.
**Disclaimer: This unit is free for personal and classroom use. Just please don't "swipe" it as your own, I put a lot of
time and effort into it. If you would like to link to it, that is fine. I believe that creativity and originality belongs
to those who conspire such ideas and then bring them to life for learning. I am also not responsible for any "boo boo's" you
might make along the way should you use this unit. Always remember, SAFETY FIRST!!**
Unit Intro/ How this unit came to be:
So often kids get the misconception that they won't use such things as colors, measurement, geometry, and various science
principle except on a worksheet. They view the world of "colors" as a way to draw or having to complete a "following directions"
worksheet. Art is often viewed as "trivial" or "just for fun" but not of any real "use". They feel that geometry is a math
principle that could never be applied in real life. When they approach such things as conflict resoulution from a book/worksheet
point of view, they often are not left with a feeling of how this would really apply to their lives, especially as kids. They
often think that compromise/co-operation is limited to sharing or being kind, but any adult knows that it goes far beyond
this. Yet, all of these misconceptions are very wrong. They are things that kids use or see everyday often without realizing
it, and this unit is designed to "prove" that in a very fun, active, and hands on manner. And, this unit came to be due to
questions my boys AP and RR asked, and their constant complaining, arguing, etc.
While this unit is being designed for Elementary aged kids, it can be applied to all age and grade levels, just realize
that the younger kids are going to need more adult direction and input as the unit progresses than older kids will.
Getting Started:
For this project, you are going to need a large space. This space can be a bedroom, play room, or class room. Other needed
materials would be: paper, pencils, art supplies, craft supplies, rulers, paints, measuring tapes, internet access, book access,
old catalogs/magazines, things that can be recycled, various tools, adult supervision, and a whole lot of creativity. You
may want to document the various steps of this unit as you go along in a scrap book format for portfolio and memory reasons.
*Note: our space is a shared bedroom that doubles as our class room.
Unit time frame: Undetermined. It could take from a few weeks, to a full school year, this depends upon the student,
the teacher, and their resources/finances.
Needed Internet Sites to be used throughout the Unit:
Free Patterns
Trash To Treasure Websites:, ,,1792,HGTV_3912,00.html
Childrens Room Design,1792,HGTV_3367,00.html
Useful Television Programs for this Unit:
HGTV Shows: Design On a Dime, Small Space Big Style, Weekend Warriors, Sensible Chic, reDesign, Room By Room, That's Clever,
Mission Orginization, Generation Renovation, Crafters Coast to Coast, Carol Duvall Show
DIY Shows: Free Form Furniture, Sew Much More, Creative Juice, DIY Crafts
Other TV Shows: Trading Spaces: Boys and Girls, Monster House
Useful Online Quizzes for this Unit:
How to Use Color,,HGTV_22056_40284,00.html
What's your Design Style,,HGTV_22056_33321,00.html
Useful Online Videos:
Kids Rooms,,HGTV_22056_35987,00.html
Under $100,,HGTV_19176_31052,00.html
BHG Videos
Online Design Planners
Room Planner,,HGTV_17897_23822,00.html
Color A Room;jsessionid=CWF4Z5ZWWX535QFIBQNSBHQ?storyid=/templatedata/bhg/story/data/coloraroom_landingpage_04292005.xml
Arrange A Room
Design A Closet
Useful Books for this Unit:
Mobiles & Other Paper Windcatchers by: Noel and Phyllis Fiarotta
How to Make Mobiles by Polly Pinder
Stencilling on a Grand Scale: Using Simple Stencils to Create Visual Magic by Sandra Buckingham
The Paint Effects Bible: 100 Recipes for Faux Finishes by Kerry Skinner
Colors for Your Every Mood: Discover Your True Decorating Colors by: Leatrice Eiseman
Use What You Have Decorating : Transform Your Home in One Hour With Ten Simple Design Principles -- Using the Space You
Have, the Things You Like, the Budget You Choose by: Lauri Ward
Kids Rooms (Pottery Barn Kids) by: Margaret Sabo Willis
Photocraft : Cool Things to Do with the Pictures You Love by: Caroline Herter
Designing Furniture by: Fine Wood Working
Beds by
Jeff Miller
Built-In Furniture : A Gallery of Design Ideas by
Jim Tolpin
New Kidspace Idea Book by
Wendy A. Jordan
(Also Browse what your library has available)
Lesson 1: I'm an Individual
For this lesson, your students will need a pencil, paper, and time to think. Before class, think of some questions for
each of the students to answer and write these on your white board/chalk board. Some sample questions, and questions I ask
my boys are:
1. What is your favorite color/s?
2. What is your favorite shape?
3. What is your favorite story?
4. What is your favorite TV show?
5. What is your favorite movie?
6. What is your favorite song?
7. What is your favorite Toy?
8. What is your favorite thing to learn about?
9. What is your favorite animal?
10. What is your favorite game?
11. What is your favorite pattern? (stripes, checks, camo, etc.)
12. What is your favorite texture? (soft, fuzzy, rough, smooth, etc)
And other questions about things that they don't like.
Before having the students answer the questions, explain to them that we are each individuals with our own likes and dislikes.
This is what makes each of us unique. Have the students answer the questions. Then have them share their answers with the
class and allow time for discussing any questions they might have.
Now, some of these questions are useful to our project, and some are just to help the children understand and learn more
about themselves. So, the answers you need to make note of are: color, shape, pattern, texture, and dislikes. These will be
used later.
**Classroom teachers: You will have to collect the papers to compare them so that you can figure out the most common favorites,
as this is what you will have to use as opposed to being entirely individual with this unit**
Lesson 2: My Dream Room Part 1
Remind the students about their discussion on being individuals. Tell them that we are going to continue learning about
our own individuality. But this time, we are going to get more creative and write about what our dream room would be. Some
questions you might ask or write on the white board are:
1. If I had a lot of money to buy things for my room, what would I get?
2. If I could paint my room or furniture any color, what would it be?
3. Things my room has to have are? (This would be furniture, etc.)
4. If I could have any art on my walls, what would it be? (Posters, murals, pictures, maps, etc.)
5. If I could have a pet in my room, what would it be? (Fish, Hamster, Gerbil, Bird, Rabbit, etc.)
6. Would I have mobiles in my room or any other ceiling art? If so, what?
You might think of some more questions to ask the students. Have them write their answers to these questions for future
Lesson 3 My Dream Room Part 2 (Creative Writing)
Using the questions and answers that each student provided in the previous lesson, have them write a story about their
rooms. Once they finish writing their stories, have each student share their story with the class and allow time for discussion
of their stories, creativity, etc.
Lesson 4: Dream Room Diorama
Supply the students with shoe boxes, old magazines, catalogs, and various arts and crafts supplies. Have them make a diorama
of the room they wrote about in their story from the previous lesson.
Lesson 5: Design Journal
Now is when you tell the students about the BIG project that they will be working on. But, there will be many small projects
along the way. This lesson is by far the most time consuming part of the over all project, as it could take anywhere from
a couple of weeks to several months. And, depending on your time allotment, could be assigned as homework or independendant
study. Be sure to allow library/media time for the student as this is where all those TV shows, books, quizzes, internet sites,
and online videos come into play. This is where they get used. So, what are the guide lines for the Design Jouranl? Well,
basically it's just what it sounds like. And as the teacher, you determine how often the student must make an entry into their
journal using one of the many resources available, and how long they have to complete their journal. Some basic questions
that need to be included in their journal are:
Day of the Week, and Date
1. I watched/read:
If it was a television show, write the time they watched it and what channel it aired on.
2. How they used art in this was:
3. How they used math in this show was:
4. A craft/project they showed that I liked was: (if none, the student can write none. But, if there were projects, then
they need to list any websites, or books where the project is featured).
5. Creative ideas they used were:
6. How they used science:
7. Was anything recycled? If so, how.
9. Was there any creative or unique construction materials used? If so, what were they?
10. Did they find anything "neat" about this resource, and if so, what.
They should also look through old magazines and catalogs. Allow them to clip pictures from these resources and glue them
into their journal under the heading: Things I Like
You can also print Design Journal sheets from my Student worksheet page.
Now, at some point, allow the student to take the online quiz over their design style. Have them include what they learned
about themselves from this quiz in their journal on a seperate sheet of paper. What is their design style? What are some trade
marks of their style?
Have the student complete the interactive activity on How to use color. Again have them write in their journal on a seperate
sheet of paper what they learned about using color. What colors reflect them, etc.
When the journals are complete, put them on display so that the other kids may view them. After a few days, discuss with
the students what they each learned about themselves, each other, and how various school topics are used in real everday life.
Also discuss what "mini projects" they would like to do to contribute to the ultimate big project.
ex. for my boys some already planned mini projects are: mobiles, desks, toy containers, wall art,decorating a fish tank
and getting fish, window art, bedding, and beds! Yes, we are going to BUILD furniture (hopefully)!
Lesson 6: Starting on the Big Project
This is where team work, co-operation, compromise, and conflict resolution will begin to come into play. Having the students
work together (or with you) have them decide on a few certain things. Those things are:
1. How big is the space that they have to work with? Yep, now is when you pull out the measuring tape and measure the room.
2. What things already in the room do they want to keep?
3. What things in the room do they want to get rid of?
4. What is their budget for the project?
5. What items or materials do they have that can be recycled?
6. Will they paint the room? If so, what color. Will they paint the furniture? If so, what colors.
7. Will they use any borders in the room? If so, what kind of border. Purchased? Stenciled? Hand drawn?
8. Will there be any murals in their room? If so, what of.
9. What creative storage solutions can they use?
10. What rules must they follow for this project? In other words, what are their limits with this project.
Obviously, this list can go on and on.
Lesson 7: Big Project Diorama
Once again, supply the students with materials to make a diorama. This time, they should focus on making a diorama of what
was chosen for the big project.
Lesson 8: Constructing the "mini projects"
Once again, this is a lesson that will vary in time required. Each project could take from a single class period to a few
days to complete. But, this is a very hands on learning experience as each item in the redesign is being created by them so
to speak. Now, obviously, young kids are not going to be using any power tools, that's the adults job.
At the end of each "mini project" have the children write about what school subjects they used to create the project. How
did they use math? How did they use science? How did they use art? Also, have them subtract the cost of this project from
their total budget. How did they use conflict resolution?
**Painting rooms should not be done at this point**
Lesson 9: Arranging and Completing it all
This is the final part of the project. And this is where the free design tools mentioned earlier will come into play. How
will the colors they chose look in their room? It's best to get an idea online than to finish the project and not like it.
How can they make everything fit into the room? This is where they will use the online tool for arranging a room. What layout
works best? Remember, the room MUST still be functional after the project is completed. If they want to organize their closet
so that it contains more storage, this is when that is done. And of course, this is where the students work together to hang
any art, etc. in their rooms.
Have fun with this! Remember, kids learn through life! And this is their space, and kids should feel like the space they
spend the most time in, was really designed for them.
At the end of the project, compile a scrapbook of all the steps along the way. Discuss what the students learned from their